Phoenix USC Client and Server.. It Lives! :)
Phoenix USC Client and Server.. It Lives! :)
Getting back in the game. Client and server up and running. New version of Godot has me tweaking code but looking good.
It Lives! :
Re: Phoenix USC Client and Server.. It Lives! :)
Development is moving right along. Godot is easy for me to use in most case as it is similar in many ways to the game engine I wrote. I have added a new player list for clients and it will function much in the same way Continuum does. Even though Phoenix Universe of Space Combat is a whole new game, I will make efforts to make it feel comfortable as I can for those coming from Continuum. I have included some images below.
Lots to do but client / server test very soon!
Lots to do but client / server test very soon!
Re: Phoenix USC Client and Server.. It Lives! :)
Hey Ho!
Using Godot's RichTextLabel's I am able to add icons to player 'name - over -ship' . The same icons in the play list box. It also uses BBcode which you probbably use here on this message board. This opens up some interesting possibilities, a path for seamless integration between the forum and the client. Things like achievements or purchased (for example) features could be reflected visually. Or even just custom user icons which everyone will want for sure .. .. Lots of options.
Using Godot's RichTextLabel's I am able to add icons to player 'name - over -ship' . The same icons in the play list box. It also uses BBcode which you probbably use here on this message board. This opens up some interesting possibilities, a path for seamless integration between the forum and the client. Things like achievements or purchased (for example) features could be reflected visually. Or even just custom user icons which everyone will want for sure .. .. Lots of options.
Re: Phoenix USC Client and Server.. It Lives! :)
Here you can view icons in the player "name- above -ship". This is an example of how achievements, flair and more can be added. Neat.
I have also got shift + arrow up / down working for afterburner thrust.
I have also got shift + arrow up / down working for afterburner thrust.